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What Is Clubhouse and Why You Should Check It Out

Resources to Help You Understand and Better Engage on Clubhouse

Yes, Clubhouse is Another. Social. Media. App.
Cue the eye roll and know that I did not want to engage either. I don’t need another thing to do (or distract me) and was happy to sit this one out. But I can’t (I’m blaming Jen Lehner) and I don’t think you should either.

It’s so accessible – audio-only – no video or no carefully crafted, beautiful, witty, meme-type posts. You can come and go – there’s no feed where people can see where you have been or what you have posted. They can only see if you are in a room in real-time (or maybe see when you were last active).

[Want to know more about how it works or how to get started check out: Clubhouse App: How To Get Started from Social Media Examiner.]

Think of Clubhouse as a virtual event or conference where you can go wherever you want, where you can listen, learn and meet like minded people and industry experts from around the globe. It’s also possible to chat, ask questions and even collaborate with peers and celebs.

You can be as passive as you want – listening in on rooms; or as active as you want – raising your hand, getting on ‘stage’ (not as scary as it sounds) or even hosting rooms and starting clubs. How you choose to use Clubhouse is up to you.

For those of you interested in learning and connecting; or focused on growing your community or sharing your expertise or thought leadership. I really think it’s worth your time to check it out.

[Need more convincing? Check out this excellent piece I wish I’d written: How to Use Clubhouse to Grow Your Reputation from Social Media Examiner.]

Yes, you can get sucked in and lose hours of time mucking around. Yes, there are loads of people on there who are shameless self-promoters and hustlers who take up too much time and space on the platform – or as A.J. Jacobs put it “It’s like a bad podcast: poorly edited and only available on single speed.”

But for every bad experience, I’ve been equally blown away in other rooms by the generosity of the moderators and speakers to share not only their time, wisdom and insight (for FREE) but to graciously offer connections, opportunities, collaborations and sometimes even work!

In truth, the rooms I’ve enjoyed the most (besides the ones I host with my indie bookstore owner sister Holland – see more below) are the rooms where I don’t really know the subject well or I’m curious to learn more or go deeper on a subject.

And that’s why I’ve been recommending Clubhouse to clients and friends (and you) because it’s a way to share your expertise and make connections in an intimate, easy engaging way! No flying to a conference to be on stage, no complicated video prep or production and no glitches trying to do collaborative virtual LIVE meetings.

[Interested in how to make Clubhouse work for you? Check out Clubhouse App for Business: What Marketers Need To Know, another great article from Social Media Examiner.]

Is it for everybody – not necessarily! But I really believe for many that Clubhouse is an innovative platform worth investing some time and strategy, especially while it is still in its relatively early stages.

At this point, Clubhouse is “invite only” and only available on iOS (Apple). I’ve got invites I can share! Let me know (email or DM) if you’d like one or go ahead and download the app to get on the waiting list. It will notify your friends who might also have invites to share.

Then come on in! I co-host a “room” every Thursday at 12:30 ET / 11:30 CT with indie bookstore owner, sister Holland Saltsman where we chat about “Books, Business & Beyond” and love to welcome folks new to Clubhouse. Here are upcoming links:

March 18th: https://www.joinclubhouse.com/event/m2QgR5e9
March 25th: https://www.joinclubhouse.com/event/m2n7bNlA

And follow us on Clubhouse to get notifications for future rooms!

I’m also thinking of offering a “Clubhouse Concierge” service or class. Would you be interested? I’d love to hear what you think about Clubhouse, if you need help figuring it out, technically or strategically – or if you’re looking for a co-moderator to help you get started!

I’m here! Set up a time for us to chat now! In the meantime, I’ll see you in ‘da club!

Key Reasons and Steps to Raise Your Visibility Online with LinkedIn

Behind the Seens with Marietta Crawford, Personal Brand Strategist

It was such fun to geek out and be nerdy about all things LinkedIn and personal branding with Marietta Crawford of MariBrands4You. We were dropping all kinds of good advice and wisdom about the power of raising your online profile.

Here are some of the highlights of our conversation: 

How we came to be in the roles we are now – especially loving LinkedIn.

How Marietta as an intrapreneur found LinkedIn as a great resource not only for job opportunities but also as a great resource for finding her voice and point of view.

The same strategies that helped her engage on LinkedIn to help her start her business are the strategies that she now helps her clients with.

Why it’s not OK to “set it and forget it” with your LinkedIn profile.

When Google loves a good LinkedIn profile why wouldn’t you optimize yours to be found for all the best of what you do?  It’s free online real estate. 

Why do we have a love-hate relationship with the idea of “personal brand”? Regardless, it’s important because how else will people get to “know, like and trust” you before they meet you or possibly work with you. Also, it’s an opportunity for people to craft their story and bring together all of the parts of the work they do as well as the passions they have.

Using LinkedIn (and other social media profiles) can help you raise your “halo of mini-celebrity” that can help your path to guest writing, book deals, and speaking opportunities. In other words, your goal should be to look as successful online as you are in real life.

Video still seems to be the “content darling” on LinkedIn and many are taking advantage of the LIVE video on LinkedIn. But it’s still important to have to have quality content.

Publishing on LinkedIn vs long form posts? We are all still trying to figure out how “Algorithm Oz” so there is no definitive answer. However, the LinkedIn newsletter seems to be bringing more engagement these days.

At the end of the day, it’s important to focus on reaching that one person who is transformed or wants to take action!

If you are interested in getting help on LinkedIn, connect with Marietta in the following ways:

Website + FREE LinkedIn Guide

If you want to learn more about how to be seen, be found, be heard, please connect with me on the socials or let’s set up a call to chat.

Ready to Take the Stage with Your Big Talk?

Behind the “Seens” with Tricia Brouk

What a treat this conversation was! International award-winning director, executive producer, podcaster and general queen of the stage, Tricia Brouk took time to share her wisdom about how, why and when you are ready to take the stage and give your big talk.

Here are some of the highlights of our conversation: 

The world has changed and people are realizing we are all connected and we have a mission to tell our stories even if only for the one person who needs to hear it. 

How do you know you are ready to give a talk? 

Are you clear on your Purpose, Values and Mission?

When you are clear who you are as a communicator, then your message will resonate: captivatingly (yes, it’s a word!); powerfully and impactfully to help you get your message to the people who are meant to hear it. 

What comes first – the idea for the talk or the desire to give a talk?

How do you know if your talk idea is good – or if you’re ready?

What’s more important? Message or Delivery?

Ready to get help with your Big Talk? Check out The Art of the Big Talk Masterclass with Tricia and follow her on all the socials. 

Want to connect with Tricia?

If you want to learn more about how to be seen, be found, be heard, please connect with me on the socials or let’s set up a call to chat.

Why and How to Use Storytelling in Your Content

Behind the “Seens” with Jen Liddy

Ever have that sinking feeling of not knowing what to say or write for your social media, website, blog, sales pages, and emails? Or you know you have a message, but you’re not sure how to make it as relatable and relevant as possible? Check out this recent conversation with Content Creation Specialist, Jen Liddy aka the “Content Whisperer” for inspiration and strategies for elevating your content with storytelling.

How her path from English teacher to fitness studio co-owner to coach has landed her into the sweet spot of being a content creation specialist.

How do we define content: “Everything is content. Content is everything.”

What is the difference between a linear thinker and spiraly thinker and how does it impact your content? 

Why storytelling is critical to help your audience understand your message. 

How to handle vulnerability in your storytelling and content. 

Why paying attention is critical to good storytelling. 

How to forward engineer or reverse engineer storytelling. 

How to capture your ideas for good stories. 

How you can use nuggets of the story – instead of worrying about the whole story.

How you focus on the details of your story to be much more relatable. 

Really really knowing your audience will help stories be more relevant.

Other inspiring people in this content space:
Marissa Corcoran
Anne Handley

Find “one n” Jen and get her “Content Framework” guide on her website here!

Want to connect with Jen?

If you want to learn more about how to be seen, be found, be heard, please connect with me on the socials or let’s set up a call to chat.

How a First-Time Author Prepares for Book Launch

Behind the Seens with David C. Wells, Jr.

CFA and Founder of Family Capital Strategies, David C. Wells, Jr. recently launched his first book, When Anything is Possible: Wealth and the Art of Strategic Living. I had the honor of working with David on helping him get ready for his book launch in January. Check out our video conversation where we walk through David’s journey from writing his book to launch and beyond.

What you’ll learn:

How David’s expertise (and love of reading) guided him to decision to write his book. 

How David decided independent publishing was the right path for him.

How we crafted his “author” platform from his existing website(s).

How we “layered-in” book content and promotion into his already robust content plan.

It’s not likely to over-promote your book launch. 

Why it’s really OK (and rewarding) to work on outreach for reviews and promotion help – especially if you do it in an authentic way. 

How traditional PR and publicity supports a book launch and helps build future business.

Yes, it takes a team to make your book launch as successful as it can be!

Want to connect with David?
Order When Anything is Possible
Fifteen on Friday (Newsletter)

If you want to learn more about how to be seen, be found, be heard, please connect with me on the socials or let’s set up a call to chat.