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I’m Grateful For These Things That Got Me Through This Year

May we never ever experience a year like the one we have just had. But if we can focus on the positive, even if for a moment, I’d like to acknowledge the things that made this year more than tolerable, at least for me:

Reach Out Parties – I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, participating in the daily act of virtually meeting with a group of amazing humans for a short period of time for the sole purpose of connecting was a game-changer this year. Thank you Carly Valancy and Molly Beck for your vision and leadership on this movement. The next one starts January 10th.

Sleep – I know, I know, I know.  Most people have already figured this out but I’m a little late to the game but I have officially crossed over into the appreciating and understanding how getting enough sleep can transform a person’s psyche and health so the reset of 20/20 allowed me to discover this and will be something that’s important to me going forward.

Kelly Corrigan –  I knew I was a fangirl of Kelly Corrigan when I heard her speak a couple of years ago but it wasn’t until reading her books this year and starting to stalk her on social media that I realized I found my spirit human. Kelly always seemed to have the answers or was asking the right questions this year when life got to feel overwhelming. I also admire how she experiments with new media and mediums in the pursuit of asking interesting questions, learning more and always driving to make the world and her life a better place.

Being near the water – To get out of the forest that I couldn’t see for the trees and beyond the walls of our house was hugely important.  It always has been but even more so this year and since we weren’t able to go on vacations or trips, so escaping to the water, taking a few overnights on a boat and seeing a few sunsets and sunrises made it feel like we were truly able to get away.

Earrings – I’ve been wearing the same pair of earrings for almost 9 months. I treated myself to them with the intention of not wanting to make an extra decision everyday. One less stress point. 

Client work – This year I was blown away by the work that my clients were doing to make the world a better place: whether helping people adjust to the new corner office; inspiring others with their personal stories of humor or human spirit; helping them to figure out their legacies; teaching them ways to handle stress and burnout; helping people find jobs or work better in their organizations; or even powerfully and authentically sharing their stories of motherhood, marriage and general life challenges; I’m continually inspired by their depth, brilliance, grit and vulnerability.

Social Media – Stick with me here. Yes, way too much time was spent doom-scrolling but social media also allowed me to nurture relationships I was able to make virtually this year since we weren’t able to gather in person. When not overused, it was a valuable tool. 

Road Trips – Though blessed with a home and home office that does allow for space, grace and productivity, the ability to sneak away for a couple of long weekends to be with my sisters or deliver our youngest son to college were just the change of scenery and perspective that was needed when the days started to feel like they were running together. 

Gathering Experts: Priya Parker and Monica Kang – Discovering people who were equally interested in creating dynamic and engaging ways to gather even while we are physically separated was critical to helping me get through and see creative ways for the second half of this pandemic year.

AccountabilityReach Out parties, Lou Bortone Video-A-Day Challenge, Carolyn Herfurth’s Refer-o-Rama, #25DaysofGiving, Jen Lehner’s Front Row VIP Accountability Challenge, 7 App – What can I say? I am an “obliger” so the more I can show up for other people, the more likely I am to make things happen. Finding opportunities to get engaged and stay on track also kept me from feeling alone or so far removed during these past 9 months.

Church – Yes, I’m a church lady. But not in the sense that I go to mass every day, but in the sense that I see church as a community that supports us but also needs our support. Finding ways to help our church community continue to gather during this COVID crisis was certainly challenging but also very rewarding. And yes, I believe we all need to feel part of something bigger than ourselves. 

Tech Upgrades: Particular favorites were Loom and my UBeesize ring light tripod. Loom helped me to create “instructional” videos that kept me on track with clients and my assistant, when I didn’t feel like typing. The UBeesize ring light tripod gave me a place to put my phone (no more shaky camera) for selfie videos and lots of fun FaceTime conversations in our kitchen!

Support: No woman is an island and it truly took a village this year to make things happen. Some of the key players who helped were Chelsey and Lizzy of Peachtree VA; Phyllis and Jessica of Sound Advice Strategies, my intern Irene McLaughlin and my coaches Patty Lennon and Robin Ordan.

What about you? Before you slam the door on this year of years, what or who are you grateful for? What silver linings have you discovered. What changes have you made that you are bringing forward into 2021 with you? 

I’d love to hear from you and see how I can help you make 2021 your best year yet. Head over to my calendar here and let’s schedule some time to chat!

What’s Your Planning Style?

Are you like me and the idea of resolutions makes you a bit queasy – especially talking or thinking about them before January? Join the club – and celebrate that January is just a month like any other. If and when you are ready to make some plans for your new year, then take a look at some of my favorite resources and experts below.

I basically take a little bit from each one of these approaches to mosh up “my plan” that feels good and aligned with what I want to accomplish and how I want to feel at the end of this year.

Kate Hanley / Better Than Resolutions Week – check out her episodes 89 – 94 of her “How to Be a Better Person” podcast. Each less-than-5 minute episode gives you an easy task to get started on planning and goal setting.

One Word – yes, there is actually a book and helpful approach to finding your “one word” for the year. I always think I know what it is going to be until I actually go through the process and then I am always surprised when my word finds me. The year it’s PRESENT.

Laura Vanderkam / Best of Both Worlds: Goals 2020 – This annual episode provides helpful insight on how to map out what you want to and actually put some time frames and accountability around it. Laura’s approach also helps to prevent the overwhelm that comes when you front-end your goals, but instead shows you how to pace them out over the year in simple categories.

Patty Lennon / Marketing Planner For Coaches & Consultants – If marketing is where you get stuck, then check out Patty’s easy and simple 5 Step Planner to take the overwhelm out of promoting yourself and your business.

Miriam Schulman / Art Journaling – Call all creatives who hate the idea of planning. Take advantage of Miriams’ FREE (for a limited time) Art of Journaling video series. Yes, doodling really can make you productive.

Jen Lehner / Content Planner – Another favorite of mine is Jen Lehner’s Content Planning System. Her holistic yet very tactical system ensures your content actually sees the light of day. It’s one of the many many overwhelmingly valuable tools she shares with her Front Row CEO group.

Nancy Sheed / Content Planning templates – I also have simple, customizable content planning templates to help you bring structure and schedule to your content and marketing planning. You can download them for free here – and learn more about how use them here and here.

Happy purposeful and productive planning!

Kate Hanley Interview

Behind the “Seens” – From Book to Podcast with Kate Hanley

Recently, I spoke with the fantabulous Kate Hanley, writer, author and now podcaster about the road from turning her most recent book, “How to Be A Better Person” into a podcast by the same name.

Here are some of the highlights from our chat:

The journey from book to podcast – 00:44

A love of audio and chunked-up content made this seem like a great idea – 01:46

The intimacy of podcasts and the nature of the content were complimentary – 03:53

How to get started with a podcast – 05:12

The learning curve of organizing the content – 05:42

Behind the scenes of podcast production – 07:18

Having a studio to record is great – 07:46
What Cheer Writers Club

Having a producer is even greater zoom along the learning curve for sure
with things like music, intros, outros, the number of podcasts to launch
with, etc. – 08:32
Phyllis Nichols from Sound Advice Strategies

Find a podcast host (like Libsyn) – 9:11

Have some beta listeners – 10:32

Even better, having a LIVE listener audience is a huge help – 11:40

How launching a podcast is like having a baby – 13:18

Getting comfortable promoting your baby/podcast – 13:32

Everyone needs a “thought partner” for planning and promotion – 14:35

Other tools for podcast promotion -15:52
Kate’s podcast pagebeabetterpersonpodcast.com 

Why podcast promotion feels like an octopus – 16:46

Let your network help promote your podcast – 17:23

But tell them exactly how they can help (ask for reviews) – 17:56

And you can ask more than once – 18:27

Are podcasts more fun to promote than books? – 18:39

Maybe. And you can pivot in real time with podcasts – 19:38

Biggest surprise? How long it takes to create and produce the content – 20:11

Why September was a good time to launch a podcast like this – 22:15

How the intimacy of the audio podcast brings this book to life – 23:03

Here’s where you can listen to “How To Be a Better Person with Kate
Hanley” – 24:31
On all the platforms. Apple, Stitcher, Spotify and Google.

Please check it out if you can, and if you have any specific questions about the podcast, leave a note in the comments!

How to Make a Good First Impression Online

Are you frustrated that people don’t “get” who you are or “what you are about” when they look at your website or social media profiles? Feel like your success and expertise don’t really come through when people check you out online?


You know what I’m talking about when you look at others’ profiles or websites – and you just can’t quite figure out what they do. So you have to scroll and click and scroll and click (if you don’t give up) trying to better understand what they are about before you will decide to connect with them – or better yet – subscribe to their newsletter or buy their book or service?

Oh – I get it!

On the other hand, don’t you love it when you go to someone’s social media profiles or website and you instantly “get it”? The way they are portraying themselves online makes you quickly and easily want more of what they are sharing, teaching or offering – right? You excitedly hit “follow” or “connect” or offer up your email address to get their expert content delivered right to your email inbox!

Do you wonder what the secret is? How do some people make this terrific first impression so effortlessly, while others send mixed and confusing messages?

Wonder no more…there are the 3 simple changes that you can make online to instantly look like the expert you are?

Seriously, these 3 things have nothing to do with elevator pitches, or target audiences or even high-falutin’ technology! They are ludicrously simple improvements that can even be managed in less than a ½ hour.

The three things that you need to change or update are:

  1. Your picture
  2. Your bio
  3. Your CTA (Call To Action)

Sound too easy, or think you already have this covered? Or want to know more? Then dive into this downloadable “3 SIMPLE CHANGES TO INSTANTLY IMPROVE YOUR “EXPERT” STATUS ONLINE” guide – right now.


The easy-to-follow guide walks you through the best practices for each one of these elements, and breaks it down so you define who you are, what you’re about and why people should connect with you.

Once you are clear and consistent with these 3 key elements across your social media networks and on your website, it will be so much easier for your fans to value you as an expert, engage with you and help grow your platform.

Want to know more about building your platform for your next big book launch or creative project? Let’s schedule a “clarity call” and see if I can help.


Top picks for best planners

Planners, Calendars & Journals, OH MY! (Top picks for planners)

This timely guest post comes from my uber-organized, proficient planning, brand-strategizing friend Victoria Vitarelli and originally appeared on her website, V Dot V Marketing.

A hope is a dream without a plan.

I often get asked, “how do you keep track of your ‘EVERYTHING’!?” Juggling my clients, my kids, my mom and life in general. I’ve gotten to the point if it’s not written somewhere, it ain’t gonna happen.

I have notebooks, whiteboards and paper scraps all over for the urge to list and do a brain dump. I have figured out over the years that I need to be disciplined every day and keep one main repository as an extension of my memory. Journals for different topics or goals do not work for me because the arteries of life often bleed into one another.

So I keep my system to a family whiteboard, google calendars merged together and a paper planner – currently diving into Self Journal.

Since my very first job out of college, I’ve kept a notebook to write down my notes – from meetings, calls, thoughts, ideas. I had a plain spiral notebook to “get the job done” and a de rigueur Filofax.

Today there is an onslaught of planners, calendars and such! For me – a lot of fun! However, I have a friend who is paralyzed by the choices to make the purchase. Here are four questions I asked her to help her with her decision.

  1. Do you want to fill in the blanks or have a white canvas? How do you set your goals? Best practices say to write out your big goals; distill them down into weekly and daily to-dos. Depends on your style and what makes you productive vs busy. There are planners that have the year/day date written out and are very structured. They are designed to deliver the general best practices in keeping a goal and getting it done so you don’t have to think about that aspect. There are journals for very specific goals e.g. fitness, business, parenting. Daily Greatness has many specialized versions. If you have your own structure or want to be more creative about your pages, try the Bullet Journal system. You make the rules, but there is a system to writing it down. Here is a video. Bullet journal “porn” is all over Pinterest and Instagram. There are some beautiful, truly amazing works of art out there!
  1. Are you carrying it around everywhere and anywhere? Weight matters!  Certain paper stocks can get heavy and depending on what you use to write with, the ink can bleed through light paper. Details…Details…Most planners have the weight listed on their respective websites. And depending on if you want a defined calendar style e.g. 30 days or week at a glance, full year by the day, quarterly etc. this can make a big difference in weight as well. Also there are various sizes from 8.5″ x 11″ pages to small pocket styles. Think about what you will be carrying this in – purse? briefcase? pocket?
  1. Does brand/color/style matter to you? Once you decide on white canvas or fill in the blank style and weight- the search narrows down. There are hundreds of journals out there by designers, planner brands, etc. I found a Lily Pulitzer planner with every page in her signature style. Some white canvas, purists will stick to a classic marble notebook or the ever-reliable Moleskin.  Both are sold in all kinds of stores in addition to online outlets e.g. Staples, bookstores, Target and boutiques.
  1. How much “woo-woo” factor? We use this term affectionately. There are some that have messages of inspiration and faith as well as planning out your dream days and life. An example is Danielle Laporte’s Desire Map Planner. Per the description, “This planning system incorporates your inner and outer worlds; your gratitude and your goals; your Core Desired Feelings into your daily regime”. Personally, I enjoy seeing a good Zig Ziggler or Aristotle quote to inspire me. And then there are days when it’s just about checking the box and getting stuff done without guru sounding pep talks. This one is very interesting, The Sacred Circle Planner – starting on December 18th, the Winter Solstice. Per the description, “Through the use of Divination, Affirmations, Archetypal Wisdom, Goal Manifesting, and specially designed Spiritual Practices that keep you in sync with the seasons–you have the opportunity to craft a whole new you this year!

As you go through the many other lists and ideas the key is to start somewhere and think about how you get stuff done NOW! You can always shift or try new styles or methods as the year goes on. The key is to find something that is going to support your goals and motivation. These are tools to help us get the job done and get to our destination! The discipline to follow a system is KEY no matter what you use. Happy goal setting and getting stuff done!

Check out Vicky’s video where she test-drives some of the best selling planners and journals.

Also, tune into this recent Plannerpalooza podcast from the “Best of Both Worlds” team of Laura Vanderkam and Sarah Hart-Unger who take planner enthusiasm to a whole new level.

Are you a planner perfectionist? Which one(s) do you use? Please share in the comments.