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Facebook 101 Workshop

Facebook Business Page 101 Workshop

On Friday October 28th, I’m excited to rejoin to The Summit at Workpoint Stamford to present another social media session that will help you learn important Facebook Business Page strategy!

In this hands-on workshop, solo-preneurs and entrepreneurs will learn and apply the following in just a couple of hours:

  • How to set up your Facebook business page
  • Invite people to “like” your page
  • Create posts that will shine through the clutter

You’ll leave with a Facebook page ready to promote your business. I’ll offer practical, easy-to-do steps to help you reach more people on Facebook and feel confident doing it.

Visit this evite page for more details and to register. I hope to see you on October 28th!

SocialMonday Podcast – Social Media Tips for Authors and Writers

Last week I was honored to be a guest on the SocialMonday Podcast! I was sharing social media tips and online marketing strategies for authors, journalists and writers.  Hosts Bob Turner and Jason Goff were really fun and engaging.  They were kind enough to hear the story about how I got started in this business – and I divulge where my handle @sheesalt came from.  Any guesses?
Listen in and if you like what you hear, you can subscribe to the SocialMonday podcast on iTunes for weekly social media tips, news and advice.

An Inside Look At A Social Media Marketing Firm

Over the past month, I had the good fortune to have Kate Halabi, a high school senior intern, work alongside me during a very, very busy few weeks. While it was incredibly valuable (and fun!) to have such a bright, talented, and eager person working with me every day, it was also energizing to share the what, why and how of this constantly shifting industry.   As I think Kate learned, there’s a lot more that goes into successful online marketing campaigns than sitting around posting cute puppy pictures on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  Here’s what Kate had to say about her internship:

“I’ve been working at as an intern at Sheed Communications for nearly a month now, and the time has flown by. I feel very fortunate to have had the chance to work with Nancy, who is dynamic, skilled, personable, and kind. Nancy introduced me to Google Analytics, Canva, Animoto, Hootsuite, MailChimp, TweetDeck, and several other useful social media management tools that she uses to run her business and support her clients.  

MailChimp has been especially interesting to look into, as it provides a platform for the marketing emails that I’ve so often received, but never really understood. The site allows you to design a sequence of professional-looking emails for those who subscribe to your email list. It provides a whole different perspective of social media and marketing than what I’m accustomed to as a consumer. 

I also analyzed the success of various social media posts in relation to others by digging into the mechanics of Facebook, and measured the reach of our clients’ newsletters by looking at open and click rates, URL clicks, and more. I’ve researched live streaming apps like Meerkat and Periscope, and created a promotional video using Animoto. I helped to coordinate a tweet chat and associated raffle, and set up filters in Google Analytics to ensure that the data we report to clients isn’t artificially inflated. Each of these projects gave me a better understanding of how the social media marketing world functions and how it helps entrepreneurs and small business grow their online platforms. 

I saw how Nancy stays current with the social media and marketing world when we attended a seminar at the Stamford Innovation Center. The event introduced best practices in the field, and discussed the ways in which the online world is shifting. It taught me the value of keeping abreast of developments in such a rapidly changing field. 

Nancy has taught me what a true entrepreneur is. She balances her time between work and family, transitioning from one to the other with ease. Nancy has designed her work to fit into other aspects of her life. Most of all, she does something she loves, and is very good at. Working for her has been a pleasure. Nancy sets an upbeat and relaxed, yet productive tone for her business. I have witnessed this firsthand, and she conveys the same energy to her colleagues, who work from all different locations. It takes someone excellent at communications to run a business with so many disparate parts so smoothly.”


I am humbled.  Big thanks to Kate! I will miss having her smile, can-do-spirit and, not to mention, all of her help.  But lest you think I am a merry band of one, I must also give shout-outs of huge thanks and gratitude to the rest of the crew that that continues to support Sheed Communications (in order of length of time working together):

All of these women (yes, note all women!) are pros in their field and passionate about what they do.  I’m so lucky.

And what about you?  Who helps you and is critical to your support team?  Please share in the comments below.  Thanks!

Partners & Projects:  Global Family, Fighting Alzheimer’s, Global Moms, #IKnowHowSheDoesIt, Getting Kids to Sleep and Local House Tour

So. Much. Going. On.  There are too many great things happening with clients, friends and favorite causes this month, I just have to share:

“We are just one big family!”
2657826_origYes, every human on this planet is related and my friend (and cousin) A.J. Jacobs is trying to connect them all together with one big family tree (he’s at 240 million people so far!) and he’s hosting the first ever Global Family Reunion on June 6.  It’s an epic Family Festival! Music! Talks! Comedy! Genealogy! Contests! Potato sack races! Crafts! And LOTS of celebrity cousins!  Join us in NYC or at one of the satellite events: http://globalfamilyreunion.com/.


1828063_orig“A challenge to help those losing memories and loved ones to Alzheimer’s!”
In the spirit of families and memories, you can join The Surname Showdown, a worldwide contest to see which family name can raise the most money to fight Alzheimer’s.  Team up with those around the globe who share your last name, whether they’re close cousins, distant cousins, or just people who happen to have the same last name. Prizes will be awarded at The Global Family Reunion. Find, join, set-up or simply donate to your family name fundraising team NOW!

3680438_orig“What kind of world do you want for your family in 2030?”
Over the next month the Global Moms Relay will share personal stories from celebrities, community leaders, or everyday moms and dads on the kind of future they want for their family and the world.  For every social share of these stories, $1 will be donated to help moms and children around the world through UNICEF, MAMA, Shot@life, and Girl Up. Learn how to pass the #GlobalMoms baton here.


“What if we can have it all?”
2758081_origAuthor Laura Vanderkam has written another insightful, practical and mindset-shifting book about time management called I Know How She Does It: How Successful Women Make The Most of Their Time.  It’ll be on sale starting June 9th, but for a limited time, if you pre-order the book, you’ll qualify for membership into Laura’s exclusive book club with LIVE webinars and other goodies.  Click here for more information.  Also, you can register to win her new book as part of a GoodReads giveaway here.



“Help give kids and parents the gift of a good night’s sleep!”
Put Bungee To Bed is a crowdsourcing campaign from pediatric sleep consultant Dr. Sasha Carr to fund a new book to help parents and kids become better sleepers.  You’ll find awesome perks for your little sleepers and/or opportunities to donate books to those in need. Check it out at kidsleepexperts.com.


4361136_orig“Check out homes with heart.” 
On June 4th the first ever Darien House Tour kicks off, featuring five fine homes in the Darien area. There will be a celebratory after-party on June 5th, with cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, and a silent auction. Sponsored by the First Congregational Church of Darien, the tour will support Person-to-Person and several other local charitable organizations. Get tickets before they sell out: http://www.darienhousetour.org/ 

Need more information about any of these causes or projects?  Do not hesitate to let me know at nancy@nancysheed.com.  Also, do you have a cause or project you are supporting?  I’d love to hear about it, please share in the comments below or connect with me on FacebookTwitterInstagram, or LinkedIn.   Thanks!