Let’s Launch
Congratulations on having a book that you are ready to launch!
Before we decide if we are going to work together, here’s what I need you to know:
Remember that as you step forward.
Now your focus is to make sure you get that book launched into the world in the most powerful way possible. I can help.
This is what I specialize in, helping authors:
- create a plan
- reach more readers
- have more success
If you’d like my help, here’s how we can work together…
In this customized 3 month program, you get an advisor and accountability partner to help you create the ideal content plan and keep you on track for delivering that content, to also help you measure and analyze the success of your content marketing by way of reader engagement and platform growth.
I become part of your advisory team (alongside your agent and your publisher), so that you can:
- focus on creating the ideal content and campaigns and outreach plans, not wasting time chasing ineffective strategies and “shiny objects”.
- spend less time on the mechanics of what and how to create the content and more time actually creating it (even batching it)
- deliver consistent high value content for your ideal audience with calls to action that establishes you as an expert
- review what is working (and what is not)
- leverage your best content and campaigns for other and improved marketing and promotion opportunities for book launch and beyond
“I love working with Nancy because she helps me think and keeps me organized and gives me ideas and also gives me pep talks. With both of my launches, she helped me create a plan that we strategically worked out together and she was ‘on call’ throughout the whole project for guidance and advice about how to get more visibility. Plus she’s just delightful. I consider her a friend, not just a consultant."
Would you like to talk further?