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Celebrating Women Coming Together

As this month of celebrating Women’s History winds down (not that we shouldn’t be celebrating women every month), I’d like to give a shout-out to all of the amazing and inspiring women I’ve admired, met, learned from, connected with and worked with who have helped me get to where I am today. 

It is truly the people, connections, and communities that have powered my work over the past 20 years since I “opt-ed out” of the corporate world.

Though not all of my ever-evolving network is necessarily female, here are several women-centric groups that deserve mention: 

Savor the Success
Patty Lennon’s Make Space for Magic
Jen Lehner’s Front Row VIP / Front Row CEO
Entrepreneurial Women’s Club
Lisa Corrado’s Better Than Ever Inner Circle
Jennie Nash’s Author Accelerator & Book Coaching
Shoshanna Hecht’s New Life Blend
Terri Trespicio’s Club / Focus Group
HAYVN Co-working

It won’t surprise you that almost all of these and more can be found on my list of POWER PLAYERS & PEEPS!

If you are feeling untethered, alone, lost, or stuck, I can’t stress enough how valuable communities like these have been and can be. I feel incredibly lucky for the women leaders and entrepreneurs who have shared what they learned as they grew their businesses and evolved and created a path for me – and you! – that seems expansive and exciting and limitless!

In attending two different women-focused events this month: #InThisTogether hosted by Luminary co-working in NYC and #FFDFindYourNorth organized by the Female Founders Collective in LA, I witnessed the power of women coming together from all walks and stages of life to lift each other up and make magic in the possibilities of the connections and opportunities.

With all that is going on in the world right now, I found these soul-boosting days bright rays of light and hope with women leaders, founders, investors, and business owners heading us in the right direction. More of this – PLEASE!

So let’s keep celebrating women every day, not just during Women’s History Month. Together, we can create a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and succeed.

I’d love to hear from you, which women or groups of women do you cherish and celebrate?