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Tag: anti-racism

Listening. Learning. Being vs Doing. It’s tricky.

So . . .  we are in the third month of a global pandemic AND we’re nearly a month into a global anti-racism movement that hopefully won’t be just a moment. 

So much going on. So much to feel, contemplate and grieve. 

This is not easy. This is uncomfortable. This does not feel good. This is emotional. We are all making mistakes. And finding the balance of being and doing is really tricky and hard. 

I am not sure how you are getting through these times, but here are some helpful mantras I’m finding useful. . . Listen. Learn. Find your lane. Use your platform. Do not judge. Seek grace.

As I approach things from the perspective of a connector and a curator, I’d like to share several resources – focused mainly on racial injustice – I have discovered over the past several weeks that are helping me to understand and process and be present to the profound changes we are experiencing:

  • Talented artist and designer, Danielle Coke aka @ohHappyDani – has become a leader in her own right on the subject of racism. Check out her Instagram video series “Up, In and Out” that aired LIVE June 1-3.
  • Former NFL player Emmanuel Acho is having courageous conversations about racism in with a series Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man; Here’s how he introduced the videos: “Dear white people, For days you’ve asked me what you can do to help. I’ve finally found an answer. Let your guard down and listen.”
  • Adrian Parker is not only the Global Vice President, Marketing – Patrón Tequila, and he is also a podcaster of the Unfollow podcast and a very thoughtful and discerning Christian on the subject of racism. 
  • #SharetheMicNow is a movement that launched last week pairing influential white women with Black women where they shared their platforms for new audiences and understanding. 
  • The book “White Fragility” by Robin Diangelo was recommended to me as a great place to start. So I am. There will be a book group discussion hosted by Hayvn on July 13th. LMK if you’re interested in details. 
  • Support #BlackPublishingPower this week by buying two books by Black authors to help them “blackout” the bestseller list. I’ve ordered Trevor Noah’s “Born A Crime” and “The Vanishing Half” by Brit Bennett.

It’s been great to see how friends and clients are using their work, platforms and voices for change: 

  • Author and podcaster, Kate Hanley is focusing her “How To Be A Better Person” podcast this week on the “Inner Work of Anti-Racism”. So much goodness here. 
  • Susan McPherson has always been a champion of social justice and impact. Heck, her company, McPherson Strategies, specializes in it. Sign up for her McPherson Memo newsletter and follow her on Instagram for up-to-the-minute news, movements and events for a better world. 
  • For people and organizations interested in making value-based changes, Debra Hertz of The Strategy Group offered a free webinar on “Radical Reflection” and the exercises she shares are simple yet powerful. 
  • Author Kelly Corrigan (not a friend yet or client, but I’m a huge fan!) has turned her BYOB videos into the “Education of Corrigan, Kelly” where she is sharing her journey of learning and understanding more about racism and supporting Black people. 

Also, I have to say that my awesome #SaltsmanSisters have been a huge source of inspiration: 

  • Holland Saltsman is the owner of The Novel Neighbor bookstore in St. Louis, shared a very heartfelt and inspiring pledge to her community
  • Ashley Parker who owns her own real estate firm and is also the Chair of the Louisville Independent Business Alliance took a stand on local television
  • Jacque Saltsman is a leadership coach and has been on the path to ally-ship for quite some time. I am humbled by the courageous work she does. Follow her on Facebook for action steps for justice.

Who are you learning from? Where is your inspiration coming from right now? How are you – really???